Twitter says its polls feature, rolled out in October last year, has been a huge success. To celebrate, the social platform is now letting users set a time duration for their polls. According to Twitter, 1.7 billion votes have been cast on user polls in the few months the feature has been active. Thanks for weighing in! Yours is one of 1.7 billion votes cast in Twitter Polls since October's launch. — Twitter (@twitter) January 15, 2016 Thanks to an update, you can now modify how long your Twitter poll lasts for. In the past, the default timeframe for a user poll was 24 hours. This is the second update to the feature, which was previously expanded to allow users to add more poll answers, having launched with the option to include just two selections. Related: Twitter Gaming is the social network’s new hub for games, gamers, eSports Consequently, users can now choose the time length for polls, starting from a mere five minutes (in case you want to quickly quiz your followers regarding fashion tips the morning of a job interview, which we do not advise) and ranging up to seven days. Twitter revealed the update in a tweet that appropriately contained a poll of its own regarding New Year’s resolutions. That poll is to run for another two days and has already seen almost 25,000 votes cast in the five hours since it was tweeted — illustrating-the blockbuster voting figures Twitter is touting. Crunching the impressive numbers even further, the 1.7 billion poll votes equate to 1.77 votes cast per Twitter user per month, according to VentureBeat. Now you can adjust how long your Twitter Polls run! Do you need to adjust your New Year's resolutions too? — Twitter (@twitter) January 15, 2016 Twitter’s poll feature is available on the iOS, Android, and Web versions of its service. Users can create polls by selecting the poll option at the bottom of the ‘compose new tweet’ pop-up. Once chosen, they can draft a question along with a minimum of two choices (an additional two choices can also be added to create a maximum of four selections). Below the ‘choice’ field is the new ‘poll length’ option, including drop-down boxes for days, hours, and minutes, Once you’ve composed your poll and set the time length, just hit the tweet button and watch the responses come in. Also watch: How to Deactivate Twitter Please enable Javascript to watch this video
