For all the credit technology like social media, texting, and emails has taken for bringing people closer together, it seems that this digital proximity has, to some extent, replaced physical closeness. While this may be beneficial for those of us looking to stay in touch with friends and family members hundreds or thousands of miles away, these new methods of communication may be something of a double-edged sword — as we spend more time online, how much less time are we spending with each other? Luckily, there’s now a wearable (of course) to answer precisely that question. Meet the Concepter Soul, heralded as the world’s first time-tracking platform. It’s a subversive idea to be sure — while we seem to be tracking just about everything these days, we often forget the most valuable resource we have: time. So now, if you want to determine just how much (or how little) time you’re spending with those around you, don a Fitbit-like tracker that doesn’t count how many steps you take, but rather how many minutes of your day you grant your friends and family members. The Soul has two components: a stylish aluminum sensor that wraps around the wrist with leather or silicon bands, and a companion app for iOS or Android. Whenever two or more people using the app actually spend time together IRL, the app syncs, and the Conceptor algorithm determines just how long this interaction lasts. At the end of every day or week, users can look into how they’ve spent their free time, and ostensibly determine just how beneficial those individuals were to their overall happiness. You can see who your five “closest” friends are (or were), and make adjustments as needed. Or, use the data to prove to your BFF that you’re really not hanging out enough. Related :-Samsung putting finishing touches on fitness tracker that doubles as jewelry The cool thing about the Conceptor Soul is that you don’t actually need the wearable to make it work — just download the app (and make sure your friends do too) to start figuring just how much of an introvert or extrovert you really are (not that there’s anything wrong with being either). But if you’re not happy with how you’re spending your downtime, it may be worth investing in one of these unique trackers. Because time just may be the one thing we’ll never have enough of.
