John Legere isn’t one to mince words, and yesterday, he set Twitter a-twitter with a rant against the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) that included some choice vocabulary. On Thursday, the T-Mobile CEO posted a video of himself lambasting the non-profit after it raised questions about the cell phone provider’s “Binge On” program. In a recent report, the EFF accused Legere’s company of slowing down connections to video sites, which clearly infuriated the executive. “Who the f**k are you EFF, why are you stirring up so much trouble, and who pays you?” Legere asks in his video. .@AvohkahTamer — John Legere (@JohnLegere) January 7, 2016 Like its creator, Binge On has seen its fair share of controversy. A number of journalists picked up on some questionable aspects of the program, first introduced in November, most notably that T-Mobile’s “optimization” of video is applied agnostically, which basically means that everything is being slowed down. And on Monday, the EFF conducted an investigation of its own, concluding, “…our results show that T-Mobile is throttling video streams, plain and simple.” But according to Legere, everyone’s got it all wrong. “What Binge On does, it includes a proprietary technology and what the technology does is not only detect the video stream but select the appropriate bit rate to optimize to the video, the mobile device. That’s part A of my answer,” said the CEO in his Twitter rant. And Part B, if you were wondering, was the more impolite portion. Twitter, of course, had plenty to say in response to Legere, and users were eager to tell the leader- exactly- who EFF was. One user tweeted, “Are you high John?! The EFF has been a huge part of ensuring digital rights for decades.” @JohnLegere @EFF Are you high John?! The EFF has been a huge part of ensuring digital rights for decades. — Robert A. Petersen (@Sonikku_a) January 7, 2016 Seemed pretty personal, almost like @JohnLegere was going to reach out of the screen and (•_•) ( •_•)>
