The VR firm Oculus gave three keynote presentations Thursday during its Oculus Connect 2 event covering the future of VR and more details about its fast approaching Oculus Rift VR headset, which set to release next year. Sony has also made headlines recently regarding its own VR headset, the newly christened PlayStation VR, which is also rumored to be launching in 2016. With these two major options for VR now making strides towards retail release, we put the two devices head-to-head in a battle of the specs to see which of the two is shaping up to be the better option. Check out our specifications overview and detailed breakdown below. Updated January 6, 2016 by Brendan Hesse:- Updated Oculus Rift price and availability, and updated article to reflect new information released during CES 2016. Related:- The Oculus Rift is $600: Here’s what you need before pre-ordering Oculus Rift PlayStation VR Pricing $599 TBA Display OLED OLED Panel size TBA 5.7 inches Resolution 2160 × 1200 1920×RGB×1080- (960×RGB×1080 per eye) Refresh rate 90hz/eye display 120Hz, 90Hz Field of view Approximately 110-degrees Approximately 100 degrees Sensors Accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, external Constellation tracking-sensor array Accelerometer, gyroscope, PlayStation Eye tracking system Connections Requires HDMI 1.3 output, three-USB 3.0 ports, and one USB 2.0 port HDMI + USB Audio Built-in headphones-and mic, 3D audio 3D audio Input Oculus Touch,-Xbox One controller (included) PlayStation Move, Dual Shock 4 controller Release date Pre orders available, shipments begin March 28, 2016. 2016 DT review Hands-on Coming soon Design The design is difficult to make definitive claims on, as we’ve yet to really test either headset side-by-side, but on paper there appear to be numerous-similarities. The Rift and PlayStation VR have single display split between two screens, with the Rift featuring a combined screen resolution of 2,160 x 1,200, and -1, 920 × RGB × 1,080 (or 960 × RGB × 1,080 per eye) on the PlayStation VR.-Both headsets use-HDMI and USB for display and interface-connections, respectively. Finally, both have built-in speakers for 3D audio, and both use similar sensors, though the Rift has a magnetometer and the external Constellation tracking system, while the PlayStation VR uses the PlayStation Eye camera as its tracking system. These elements combine to-give you an unparalleled sense of audio and visual immersion with both headsets (or so we hope). We do not yet know the weight of either, and until we actually wear them, we won’t know which offers the most comfortable wearing experience. What we- do- know is that both also have the same forms of input interaction via gamepads and motion controllers. The Rift will come standard with an Xbox One controller, and can use the Oculus Touch motion controller for deeper spatial presence. The PlayStation VR will be usable with both the Dual Shock 4 controller, and the PlayStation Move motion controller. In virtually every sense, the two headsets are-at least comparable on paper. Winner:- TBA Display Display is paramount to successful immersion in VR; if the resolution, refresh rate, or latency are too low (or, in certain instances, too high) it can break the sense of “presence” that virtual reality strives to attain. In terms of material, both the Rift and the PlayStation VR use OLED screens, which means both should have rich color and contrast, and both offer a vertical 100-degree field of view. However, the Rift beats out the PlayStation VR in the resolution category, with a 2,160 x 1,200 total resolution across two displays, versus PlayStation VR’s 1,920 x 1,080. That, theoretically, would mean less of a “screen door” effect — where solid black squares visibly separate each pixel, as if looking through a screen door — affecting immersion, and breaking that precious sense of presence. We won’t know which headset offers the better experience until we get our hands on both sometime next year, but judging by the released specs, the Rift-seems to have the edge thanks to the higher screen resolution. Winner:- Oculus Rift Performance VR is notorious for causing motion sickness, and this is due to having an improper refresh rate. If it’s too slow, the image will appear swimmy and sluggish, and cause nausea in the wearer. Fortunately, this seems to be a problem VR manufacturers are confident they’ve overcome. Both the Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR run at a 90Hz refresh rate per eye display, meaning there won’t be a major difference between the two headsets in terms of image movement fluidity, though the PlayStation VR can render games at up to 120HZ. Of course, what will matter in terms of graphical fidelity is up to the hardware the headsets are used in conjunction with. The PlayStation VR will (ostensibly) be used as a peripheral with Sony’s PlayStation 4 console, while the Rift will need to be used with a beefy gaming PC. Oculus has said Rift-ready PCs will be offered by third-party partners starting around $1000, which is a a far steeper price point than a $350 PS4 (though, it remains to be seen if the PS4 alone will power Sony’s VR headset).-Oculus’ recommended hardware includes an Nvidia GTX 970 or AMD 290, an Intel i5-4590 processor, at least 8GB RAM, and Windows 7 SP1 or greater. The headset will also require and HDMI 1.3 output, three USB 3.o ports, and one USB 2.0 port in order to be hooked up to the PC. There is a handy tool over at the Oculus Rift website that will gauge your PC’s Rift readiness. If Sony is planning on the PlayStation VR to work solely with the PS4, they may be at a bit of a disadvantage. While the PS4’s hardware is static, a PC can be upgraded and modified with more powerful components to exceed the PS4’s power, and the above required hardware for the PlayStation VR is much more powerful than a PS4. Still, all things considered, the refresh rate is what is going to matter most when it comes to the actual VR experience and sense of immersion, and in this regard the two headsets are seemingly equal. Winner:- Tie Related:- 10 immersive apps and games that make Samsung’s Gear VR a must-have Price and Availability The price of the Rift was finally unveiled on January 6, 2016. The headset will be available for $599. This price is of course- in addition- to a powerful enough PC to use the Rift, which could pose a major hurdle for those without a Rift-ready PC looking to jump into VR from day one. At the very least, the Oculus Rift will cost you $599 for the headset and the included sensor array, Xbox One controller, and copies of- Eve Valkyrie- and- Lucky’s Tale.- In terms of availability, the first pre orders ship on March 28, 2016. The release date of the PlayStation VR, on the other hand, is still an unknown. Sony has stated the device will likely see full release in the first half of 2016, but that leaves a rather large target window, and we wouldn’t be surprised if the headset misses that nebulous timeframe. The company has remained similarly vague with regards to price point, but it seem reasonable to expect you’ll need a $350 PlayStation 4 and $50 PlayStation Eye camera in addition to the PlayStation VR. While a PS4 is an expensive investment as well, there’s a strong chance you could be among the over 35 million PS4 users out there. Even if you aren’t, its far cheaper than building or upgrading a PC. Making a decision mostly comes down to when you want to join the VR revolution. If you’re eager to get in on the ground floor, and don’t mind paying an arm and a leg, then the Rift’s fast-approaching release date will likely tip the scales in its favor. -We’re eager to see how Sony’s VR strategy manifests, but for now, the Rift is the only solid option. Winner:- Oculus Rift (for now) Conclusion A commonly uttered phrase by those interested in VR trying to convey the experience to others is “you won’t get it until you try it,” and that goes doubly so when discussing unreleased hardware. Both headsets seem to be very similar on paper, save for a few idiosyncrasies here and there, specifically in terms of controller and required hardware. But when it comes to which is- better,- we have yet to make our decision. Even if one has a better “feel” than the other, there may be a difference in terms of available games, apps, and other experiences that could give one an edge over the other. While we know the price of the Rift and that it’s just around the corner, the PlayStation VR remains a mystery. Update 12:01PM September 25th 2015 :- Thanks to user comments, some errors in this article-have been-corrected. Digital Trends regrets the errors.- Also watch: Asus ROG GX700 Hands On Please enable Javascript to watch this video
