We like the latest Motorola Moto X and Moto G phones, and are keen to see how Motorola will follow them up in 2016. Rumors have already started to spread regarding what will be the fourth generation of Moto X smartphone, and although it’s still only early days, it already looks exciting. Here’s what we think we know about the next Moto X. Updated on 12-23-2015 by Kyle Wiggers:- Added-rumors of a fingerprint sensor. A possible fingerprint sensor Motorola may have omitted-a fingerprint sensor on-last year’s Moto X, but talk around town suggests the-new-and-improved model will feature one prominently. The well-recognized-Twitter rumormonger @ricciolo has posted what-appears to be a cutout-for a fingerprint reader on the Moto X 2016’s back cover, although the image is admittedly blurry. A fingerprint sensor isn’t unanticipated. Motorola-intended-to include one in last year’s Nexus 6 before the firm-scrapped it due to component shortages.-And unlike the Moto X 2015 at launch, Android now finally, officially supports fingerprint readers-as part of Marshmallow’s new biometric sensor API. With the supply chain issues resolved and a software framework in place, the timing-seems in-Motorola’s favor. A heat pipe to keep things cool An image that was uncovered by Chinese tech blog-TechWeb-shows what could be the interior chassis of a next-gen Moto X. It appears-to feature a-novel cooling solution:-a thin metal pipe, presumably for heat dissipation. The reported reason for the pipe? Heat, and lots of it. Some sources suggest the-new Moto X will pack a Snapdragon 820, Qualcomm’s latest chipset, and rumor has it that it’s not the coolest silicon-around. The company has refuted those reports. One thing that’s for certain, though, is that Motorola wouldn’t be breaking new ground — the concept of liquid-cooled smartphones-is well established. NEC unveiled a water-cooled smartphone in 2013. Microsoft’s new Lumia 950XL features a heat pipe. And rumors suggest that Samsung intends to adopt a water-based cooling solution for the Galaxy S7, potentially sourcing Fujitsu’s new pipe design. -An all-metal Moto X leaks in pics CNBeta In December, a photo supposedly showing a prototype of the next-gen Moto X was published by Chinese website CNBeta, revealing Motorola may be experimenting with a full metal body for the future phone. The shape looks familiar, along with the Motorola logo in the center, and an oversized camera lens, with an integrated flash unit above it. Related: Motorola adds three new exclusive Moto X Style Pure designs At the base are two sets of eight holes, presumably for a speaker system. On the left of the picture are three hardware buttons, all the same size. There are also two sections at the top and bottom of the body that may be made of a different material, ensuring the phone’s antenna functions correctly. Surprisingly, there’s no obvious fingerprint sensor on the rear of the phone, a feature which will become even more important during the coming year. The source of the image warns this is just one of many prototypes Motorola is using for the next Moto X, and ultimately may never make it into production. We’ll have to wait and see if any more examples are leaked in the future. No specifications are hinted at by the source of the rumor, but the Chinese report reaffirms that the Snapdragon 820 chip is a possibility, after Qualcomm executives revealed that next year at least 70 phones will have the new processor inside. We’re still many months away from the fourth generation Moto X being revealed officially, but we’ll keep you updated with all the news and rumors until then. Previous updates:- Updated on 12-22-2015 by Kyle Wiggers:- Added leaked information about a possible pipe-based cooling solution.- Also watch: Motorola Moto 360 (2015) Review Please enable Javascript to watch this video
