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Thread: 8/3 Changes

  1. #1
    BABY NEWB ArkieKDealer's Avatar
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    Default 8/3 Changes

    I met with my market's DD the other day. Here are the changes coming 8/3:

    1) New rates that will include taxes.
    2) Both the BB 8530 and Zio will be released.
    3) Reconnect fees are no more.

    They are also considering doing away with activation fees. DD isn't real happy with the fees going away as that affects dealer compensation under the new plan.

  2. #2
    BABY NEWB ArkieKDealer's Avatar
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    Well here they are:

    $35 talk, text, caller ID, voicemail
    $45 same as current $40 but adds international text, backup and navigation
    $55 Android rate w/ Android Market...flashed Androids CAN be activated on this rate.
    $60 Blackberry rate...w/ BB email, BB messenger, App World...flashed Blackberries CANNOT be put on this rate. (until you smart guys figure it out) They make a point of saying, "Flashed Blackberries will only have talk/text."

    ZIO MSRP...$249
    BB 8530 MSRP...$299

    Broadband all rates at 1.4 mbs
    $40...2.5 GB/month
    $50...5.0 GB/month
    $60...7.5 GB/month

    Activation, reactivation, reconnect fees are gone. Customer is suspended for more than 4 days their bill is prorated by the NDCC and only pays prorated amount. Prorated bill pay only available to premier dealers.

    Got a customer...will fill in the blanks later...

  3. #3
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    -all handsets will be subjected to same pricing regardless of its an existing customer or a new customer
    -there will also be no more crazy taxes, only local sales tax on the monthly plan.
    -they are also doing away with 1st month service for free, the add aline promotion SHOULD still have a 1st month for free
    -they are doing away with activation fees, so there will be NO MORE ACIVATION FEE

    as far as the flashed blackberries go, no worries, they will still work the same as they do right now, the only difference is that even if you put it onto the blackberry plan you wont be able to get push e-mail through BIS or BES because blackberry regulates their PIN and not cricket and thus you cant push it through.

    as far as the current android devices that are flashed, if you put it onto the new android plan of $55 you will be able to get the faster speed that the android plan offers.
    Last edited by eric303; 07-29-2010 at 05:33 PM.

  4. #4
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    Did anybody here about a rate plan for $55 for flash phones?

  5. #5
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    i was at the training, there is no $55 plan for flashed phones, the $55 plan is the android plan which will give you faster access assuming you have the zio or a full flashed android device.

    o and the Zio will be branded as a Sanyo instead of a Kyocera

  6. #6
    BABY NEWB ArkieKDealer's Avatar
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    Other phone MSRPs

    Stunt and Domino...$39.99
    Messager II...$139.99

    The new comp plan and these prices are going to hurt my used/flashed phone sales considerably. I think after my lease expires I'm going back to the working world. After 7 years of owning a store, I think I'm ready to give up and work for someone else.

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