An Instagram hashtag first started by a drone enthusiast to mark-awesome images taken from his eye in the sky has since started trending, creating an impromptu exhibition in aerial photography on the app. Unbeknownst to Dirk Dallas, the man behind #fromwhereidrone, the hashtag was steadily gaining traction on Instagram, reports the U.K.’s-Daily Mail. “I started using the hashtag on every drone photo I posted and each time there were a few people that seemed to think it was funny so I kept posting with it,” Dallas told the Daily Mail.-“One day, several months later, I decided to actually click on the tag and to my surprise I saw over 500 drone photos tagged with it as well. I was blown away!” Related: Instagram ports iOS 3D Touch feature to Android Dallas now curates and features the best photos tagged using the hashtag on his “From Where I Drone”-Instagram page, which itself has over 20,000 followers. The 33-year-old Californian also has a website-— under the same title —-where he exhibits his favorite-images, along with providing tips on purchasing drones and utilizing them to capture photographs. Since going viral, the hashtag has-been used by other Instgrammers to tag 10,000 posts, Dallas claims. For beginners who wish to follow in his footsteps, Dallas has-the following words of advice: “Get an inexpensive drone so that you can get the hang of flying something in the air remotely and get some of the crashes out of the way before having an accident with something really expensive.” Drones are predicted to be among the most popular gifts-this holiday season. The Federal Aviation Authority recently reported that 1 million drones are expected to be unwrapped by American consumers by the end of the year.
