The American rock band Eagles of Death Metal has returned to Paris for the first time following the tragic-terrorist attacks that took place in France on November 13 — the most deadly-of which occurred during EODM’s concert at the Bataclan. Among the 89 people killed at the historic venue were the band’s merchandising manager and three of their record label’s executives. In the aftermath, U2 concerts scheduled for November 14 and 15 were rescheduled-for December 6 and 7. Although Paris is still under high terrorist alert, U2 proceeded with its two shows on Sunday and Monday night. The December 7 concert closed out the Innocence + Experience Tour 2015, and as part of the finale, U2 frontman Bono-welcomed EODM to the stage. In his introduction, he said that-the members of EODM-“were robbed of their stage three weeks ago,” so he wanted to share theirs, according to U2 Start. Together, they-performed EODM’s- I Love You All the Time. Related: -Eagles of Death Metal ‘bonded in grief’ with Parisians after horrific Bataclan attack In addition to referencing the Paris tragedies, Bono mentioned other recent terrorist attacks around the world.-“We stand together with the families whose children have been taken hostage by an ideology that shows none of the mercy or compassion of the God they deem to serve,” said Bono on Sunday, according to Variety. The recent concert wasn’t U2’s-first act of support for EODM since the attacks last month. In fact, they bought the band replacement cell phones shortly after the tragedy because theirs had been left behind at the venue and they needed an easy way to get in contact with loved ones. EODM thanked-the members of the Irish band for all of their help in-a statement on their Facebook page after the December 7 show. The band’s full statement appears below: We want to offer our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for everything our brothers in U2 did for us in the aftermath of the November 13 attacks. They reminded us that the bad guys never take a day off, and therefore we rock ’n rollers cannot either … and we never will. We are incredibly grateful to U2 for providing us the opportunity to return to Paris so quickly, and to share in the healing power of rock ‘n roll with so many of the beautiful people — nos amis — of this great city. Thank you to Bono, The Edge, Larry and Adam, thank you to their wonderful management, thank you to France, and thank you to everyone in the world who continues to prove that love, joy, and music will always overcome terror and evil. We look forward to fighting the good fight on many more fronts very soon, especially when we pick up our tour in 2016. See you again in February, Paris. HBO will air a film of the U2 performance tonight at 9 p.m. ET. Also watch: Plugged Crown Headphones Review Please enable Javascript to watch this video
