Is it a bracelet? Is it a smartwatch? Is it a Kindle on your wrist?! When your fashion accessory prompts this line of questioning, you know you’re doing something right. And with Bracelite, the interactive bracelet and watch band for Apple Watch, you’ll be asking all this and more. The latest in the e-paper jewelry manufacturing trend, Bracelite combines the emerging smart-jewelry industry with Apple’s existing smartwatch, creating a-piece that you can choose to wear either as a standalone bangle or a personalized Apple Watch. Fully compatible with all models of the Apple Watch, the Bracelite emerges from the fashion capital of the world — Italy — where a number of designers have collaborated and contributed to the accessory’s impressive selection of textures. Focused on giving the wearer a truly personalized experience, the project’s Kickstarter page notes, “Bracelite knows who you are and suggests for you the perfect texture at each unique moment of your day.” Drawing inspiration from your mood (which you can set), the weather, the occasion (based on your calendar), and your pictures, the band-“knows your personality and completes you.” You can even snap a photo of your outfit and have Bracelite come up with a pattern that matches your look the best. Related :-Smarten your style with these 6 pieces of high-tech smart jewelry With-a 4.9-inch EPD display (aspect ratio 6:1), a resolution of 720 x 120 px, and a pixel density of 150 ppi, you’ll be able to see your chosen-design even in direct sunlight. Connected with a low-energy Bluetooth unit to your smartphone (it’s compatible with both Android and iOS), Bracelite is fully interactive and dynamic. And with a two-week rechargeable lithium battery, you don’t have to worry about your bangle sputtering out of power in the middle of the day, especially because the bangle-will continue to display your most recently selected pattern or image (even if the battery is totally shot), until you recharge it. With 34 days left in its initial campaign, the Bracelite team has already raised-$14,908 of its-$84,696 goal. So if you’re looking for a way to combine fashion and technology this holiday season, consider heading over to Bracelite and supporting this super-chic accessory.-
