Earlier this year Microsoft introduced functionality that allows players to stream Xbox One games to their PC. Now, it seems that an independent developer is set to provide a similar tool for the PlayStation 4. The developer, who goes by the name of Twisted,-became known to PlayStation fans after he modified the official app that offered remote play between the PlayStation 4 and certain Sony smartphones to work with any device-running Android. His current project builds on that effort, substituting the smartphone for a PC. While this tool is thoroughly unofficial, it will likely carry a price tag of $10 when it sees release.-Twisted maintains that these funds will help pay for his living expenses as he continues development, as stability improvements and other tweaks will likely be required. A dev has to eat, after all. Related: -Sony confirms PlayStation 2 emulation coming to PS4 However, it remains to be seen whether Sony will allow for Twisted to distribute his work. The idea of a third party application offering this sort of functionality is already shaky ground to be treading upon, and charging for the privilege would seem to be a major red flag from a corporate outlook. Charging for the app could further complicate matters, particularly if it includes code from a previous version of Sony’s own software. Sony hasn’t announced any plans to-offer its-own PC streaming tool, likely because such usage has typically been used as a selling point for its handheld devices. Both its smartphones and the PlayStation Vita make full use of their PlayStation 4 remote play potential in marketing materials. Earlier in the week, Twisted had shared plans to release the remote play tool today, but it seems that there is-still some last-minute work to be done before the project is ready to release.-This morning a post from his Twitter account read, “I doubt I’ll be done today but trying my best.” Also watch: Asus ROG GX700 Hands On Please enable Javascript to watch this video
