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  1. #7
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    i know beezle has the full solution, if you contact him he might be able to sell you a personal copy

  2. #8
    Premium Member Wrecked Johnson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eric303 View Post
    i know beezle has the full solution, if you contact him he might be able to sell you a personal copy
    Yah der but I dunno heard some rumors of some funny stuff on that, prolly just rumors but I dont want to find out NAH MEAN. I have got the WAP on the pixi plus and assumed it was the same on the pre plus but no dice. I am a poor man and I dont see enough palm pre plus's to buy the solution just not economical for me NAH MEAN. I have an idea of what to do but obviously it aint working so....... just trying to see if anyone can throw a dog a bone NAH MEAN I dont want to be spoon fed the answer because what would I have learned from that NAH MEAN!

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