Periscope, Twitter’s-live video broadcast app, has rolled-out an important update for viewers of the Android and Web versions of its platform, according to the Verge. Aside from broadcasters, who use the app to film their activities, users of Periscope have long requested the option to skip through video replays of broadcasts. The new update will allow users to do exactly that via fast-forward and rewind functionalities. At present, iOS users will have to wait a week or so for the update, according to Periscope. To use the new functions, simply deploy your finger to long-press your Android device’s screen during video replays, which will then cause the broadcast to miniaturize and bring up a time-stamp at the bottom of the screen. You can then drag your finger along the time-stamp bar to skip back and forth throughout the video. The Web version also now allows you to click on any point of the broadcast on the scrubber bar –-again allowing you to fast-forward and rewind to your desired position. Related: As Periscope’s popularity increases, so will dumb and illegal activities For creators (and many viewers), Periscope is primarily about the live broadcasting experience –-allowing broadcasters to tweet out links to their live videos as they air so that users can jump in and interact with the broadcast. However, Web and app replays are essential for users who missed the live broadcast. As frequent Periscope viewers will concur, the most tedious part of video replays are usually the start and end – during which most broadcasters tend to welcome and say good-bye to users who have tuned in. Again, this is great for those wishing to say hello and ask questions of the broadcasters in the moment, but is almost entirely insignificant for viewers of video replays. Therefore the ability to skip these and other moments is a useful feature. Periscope states that the update has already rolled out to half of Android users. Also watch: Periscope Professional Please enable Javascript to watch this video
