i understand.
but as u can see before cain and to0 got this working there was no UTUNNEL for android.(u2nl)
and as u can see clearly this guys stated and i quote:
"My solution does contain U2nl which was compiled by to0 without his work on android none of the android solutions would be possible."
u2nl is property of to0 and belongs to him. if the solutions are still for sale, what makes us think that just because we know how to adb, or how the flash works, that we can just share
view u2nl in hexeditor and u will see its signed by to0.
if i am wrong and to0 is ok with this, then more power to you!
if not i think its not fair to be doing this.
and i know whiterabbit posted his u2nl free, but from what i heard he just hexedited to0's name out, so i heard....
well enough said, if you like to allow this mods, then go ahead.