Sprint said it will put cost-cutting measures, including layoffs, in place before the end of January. Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure explained that he wants to be sure to give employees a much severance as possible, even though the company plans to halve the amount given to ex-employees. "I think we had a very generous severance compared to other companies," said Claure to Re/code. "We are bringing it to a more realistic level. Nobody likes to be in a company that is doing layoffs. The way you beat that is being very honest and transparent." Claure didn't detail what departments will see the most job reductions. Sprint has reduced the length of some of its television commercials to control their expense, and has implemented other changes around the company, such as replacing townecars with Ubers, to aid in penny-pinching. Claure believes the layoffs and other cuts can put Sprint on the road to profitability.
