You’ve laid out your costume, bought the candy, and decorated the house, but have you remembered the most important part of your Halloween preparations? If you haven’t downloaded all the spooky, scary, downright necessary apps for your phone, the answer, unfortunately, is a resounding no. Luckily, we’re here to help with the top six Halloween apps that are sure to make this weekend the best in recent memory … until next Halloween, that is. The Walking Dead: Dead Yourself Please enable Javascript to watch this video Fans of The Walking Dead will love this app, which turns your perfectly beautiful selfie into a zombified nightmare. Snap a selfie or import one from your camera roll, and then edit it, adding-zombie eyes, mouths, and props from the show. When you’re done turning into a zombie, you can share your gruesome face on Facebook, Twitter, and the Walker photo gallery. You can even vote for your favorite zombie faces as you scan through the Walker gallery. Available from: iTunes-Google Play Ghost Lens 2 (iOS)-and Ghost Photo Maker (Android) Please enable Javascript to watch this video If you want to create a ghostly effect by merging two similar photos of yourself together, you can do it with Ghost Lens or the Android app Ghost Photo Maker. Your photos will turn suddenly into evidence of paranormal activity, so you can scare the living daylights out of yourself and everyone you choose to share the ghostly pics with. Available from: iTunes-Google Play Vampify-($1.00) Please enable Javascript to watch this video If you’ve ever wondered what you’d look like as a vampire, look no further than Vampify. The iOS version creates 3D animated vampire faces that snarl and bite — some even drip blood. You can share your new undead selfie on social networks and check out others on Vampify’s Instagram account. The Android version is more simple: It turns you into a vampire with editing tools. The end results are pretty terrifying, so don’t expect to turn out like Damon or Elena from- The Vampire Diaries. Available from: iTunes-Google Play Skullduggery! -($4.00) Please enable Javascript to watch this video Halloween wouldn’t be complete without a fun game, and that’s where Skullduggery! comes in. Basically, you slingshot around as a skull using the elastic parts of your brain. The weird part is that you’re actually a collection agent for the IRS, so your mission is to run around going after deadbeats and collecting moolah. The game is chock full of ridiculous puns and bad jokes, so be ready to laugh despite yourself and make the most of skull-related humor. Available from: iTunes-Google Play Track & Treat by Glympse Of course, no app lineup would be complete without a tool for the concerned parents on Halloween trying to keep an eye on their little trick-or-treaters. Luckily,-Glympse-has released an app for just such an occasion: Track & Treat. The app helps you keep an eye on your little princes and princesses, tracking their movements in real time. You can see where your children are, how fast they’re moving, and if they’re starting to veer off the beaten path, all from your own mobile device or desktop. Available from: iTunes-Google Play A StoryBots Halloween Please enable Javascript to watch this video The Storybots are back as Halloween characters this year. You cast each member of your family in spooky roles like the Mummy (perfect for moms), vampire, ghost, Frankenstein’s monster, and the werewolf. The app will create a fun video using animations and photos you take of each character. It’s a foolproof way to have a “Hallo-wallo-ween.” You can then share the video on the social network of your choosing. Available from: iTunes That’s it for this year! If you have any other apps to add, let us know in the comments. Have a happy Halloween!
