Yes thats right! If your like me youre screaming its about time! Unfortunately like all metro devices, the cost will probably be rediculous. From the looks of it, the appearance resembles that of the Moto Cliq. I couldnt really tell from the pics but it looks as if its a cheap knock off. All in all, if its a droid, it has to be better than anything Metro has offered.

Similar to the Motoblur, its powered by a 600MHz processor and a 3-megapixel camera. On top of that we can now see it's a 4-row sliding QWERTY with a somewhat odd looking button setup. The circle surrounding the homescreen could possibly double as a directional pad for all I know. Given Motorola's penchant for unique form factor I wouldn't put it past them. The keyboard itself isn't too remarkable aside from the addition of a ".com" button on the bottom row. I'm guessing the screen size to be around 3.1-inches or 3.2-inches based on the Cliq-ish design.
Any one want to place bets on how much the ungodly cost will be???