Twitter today rolled out a new feature called Moments. The idea behind Moments its to assemble a series of Tweets about the same subject or event into a single package that's visible to all users and tells a complete story. Moments, which are cultivated automatically by Twitter and its media partners, are located in a separate tab both online an in the mobile app. Users can subscribe to Moments, which will then be inserted directly into the timeline. Moments will be loaded with multimedia, such as photos or videos, to make them more engaging. Moreover, Moments will be displayed in chronological order, with discernible beginning, middle, and end segments. When people stop Tweeting about the subject/event, the Moment will conclude and the Tweets will stop being pushed actively to the Moments tab. Moments will be visible on even to non-users who aren't logged in. Twitter hopes Moments will entice more people to signup for the service and remain engaged. Moments will be distributed later today to mobile apps and in the U.S. Twitter did not say when Moments will be made available to other regions.
