Facebook today discussed several significant changes headed to user profiles on mobile devices. First, profile images can now be short, looping videos to highlight a new dimension of our personalities. Facebook also plans to support temporary profile photos that expire after a day or week for those who like to change their profile pic for special events. Facebook is providing people with more control over their profile and who can see what. New tools let people tweak their public info settings and curate what is visible to others on a person-by-person basis, if so desired. Users can highlight up to five "feature photos" that appear in their profile, as well as add a one-line bio. Last, Facebook is making some design changes to the layout of mobile profiles to better present information about each person. Facebook believes the changes will lead to a "more visually engaging way" to view others' profiles from mobile devices. For example, profile pictures are now centered and bigger, and Facebook now places a higher emphasis on friends and photos, which are moved the top of users' profiles. Facebook is testing these new features in the U.K. and California and expects to expand them to more regions soon.
