AT&T has revised its network management policies in a way that benefits select customers. Moving forward, subscribers with legacy unlimited data plans can safely consume 22GB of data before encountering potential throttling. AT&T still reserves the right to protect its network from abuse, but the company appears to understand that times have changed. "Our network management practices assure that our network resources are used for the benefit of all our mobile broadband customers especially during periods when network demand exceeds available network resources," said the company on its web site. "These network management practices have continued to evolve over time to benefit our customers. We recently revised our practices such that Unlimited Data Plan smartphone customers can now use 22GB of high-speed data during a billing period before becoming subject to network management practices that might result in reduced data speeds and increased latency." As before, AT&T will warn such customers when they reach 75% of their allowed amount, or, in the case of unlimited data, when they hit 16.5GB of data in a single billing period. Customers with unlimited data plans who exceed 22GB of data consumption in a single billing period will see their speeds reduced only when the network is congested.
