ROK Mobile today said it plans to launch an all-you-can-eat mobile video service during the first quarter of 2016. The offering will include thousands of Hollywood movies and television shows, as well as small-studio content, such as anime, extreme sports, and other niche content. The company has not announced pricing for the service, but says it will be "affordable." It will be added to ROK's existing all-you-can-listen mobile music plan. ROK is partnering with SeaChange, an over-the-top video provider, to bring the mobile video content to Android and iOS devices. ROK Mobile is a music-focused MVNO that resells access to Sprint and T-Mobile's networks. ROK Mobile bundles wireless and music streaming services together for $49.99 per month. For that, users get 5GB of LTE 4G, unlimited calling and messaging, and unlimited access to ROK's 20 million tracks. Consumers interested in ROK Mobile need to supply their own Sprint- or T-Mobile-compatible handset. The service works on Android and iOS devices through ROK's mobile app.
