Verizon Communications today plans to launch a trial version of its mobile video service. The trial will be initially offered to existing customers in select, unnamed markets this week, with a full-scale launch planned for later this month or early next month. Video content will be supported by advertisements. Industry watchers expect Verizon to rely on technology it recently acquired with the purchase of AOL to support its ad strategy. Verizon is talking to advertisers about its ad-delivery tools as well as its customer data, which includes location, wealth demographics, and prior purchase history. The trial will offer free programming from providers such as Comedy Central, Food Network, ESPN, Discovery Network, VH1, Maker Studios, Machinima, StyleHaul, and between 100 and 200 hours of exclusive content from online video services such as AwesomenessTV. Verizon hopes the service will score well with millennials. The company didn't immediately provide details about device compatibility or where the trial is available.
