There are two types of people in the world. Those who likes cats, and those who like dogs. Those who put mustard on their hot dogs, and those who use ketchup. Those who like the Sony PlayStation, those who like the Microsoft Xbox. And apparently, those who like Killjoys and those who like Dark Matter. I haven't recorded any hard data, but poking around the Internet has revealed that there seems to be a big split between fans of Syfy's new series, with fans of one not caring much for the other. Just take a look at this reddit thread and aside from a few who can't decide either way, most are firmly in one camp with some having some very harsh words for the show they don't care for. BUT WHY!? You probably know how I feel based on my positive reviews of Dark Matter 's first two episodes and my sad rant about the premiere of Killjoys. I'm caught up on both, and my opinion hasn't changed: Dark Matter is wayyyyyyy better than Killjoys, in my opinion. But what I want to know is how YOU feel. So please, explain your stance in the comments section below. But first, I'll outline some strengths and weaknesses of both shows as I see them. Killjoys Strengths: Action! Much more than Dark Matter, in fact. Fact: Bounty hunters are always cool, and space bounty hunters are even cooler. The characters, while not the best, are more rich than the generic archetypes of Dark Matter. Shirtless hunk possibility is high. Strong, sassy, super hot, exotic female as a lead. Weaknesses: Some hokey dialogue, like, "Asses in both hands, we're coming in hard!" Production values have been inconsistent (Episode 2 looked better than Episode 1, but Episode 1 looked like it was made for $50), and it seems like it might be overreaching with its approach of building out a system of multiple inhabitable space rocks. No real question to ponder with the story as it's all plot. It took two whole episodes for D'avi to become a Killjoy. Very, very bad music. Dark Matter Strengths: Strong mystery at the center of it all that drives the series. The dope-ass android known as "android," and easy-to-remember numeric names. Twists and twists and twists! Strong, sassy, super hot, exotic female as a lead. Some unexpected humor. Weaknesses: Fairly limited characters in the early going: there's the handsome lead, the tough woman, the rogue jerk, the weapons expert, etc. Mostly ship-bound series means that you have to really like ship interiors to enjoy the look of the show. Not a lot of action. It lacks a certain flair and flavor. How long until we get solid answers, and is there anything more to the show beyond those answers? So let's hear it: which one do you like more?
