A quintet of Senators recently re-introduced the Wireless Innovation Act of 2015, which asks the federal government to find 200 MHz of spectrum for wireless broadband. The act was sponsored by Senators Marco Rubio, Roger Wicker, Kelly Ayotte, Cory Gardner, and Ron Johnson. Specifically, the Act would require the NTIA to reallocate 200 MHz of federally used spectrum below 5 GHz band for commercial mobile use. Of the 200 MHz, 140 MHz would be reserved for licensed use, with 40 MHz reserved for shared use, and 20 MHz reserved for unlicensed use. The NTIA would also be charged with dispersing the spectrum, via auctions and reallocations, in a fair and predictable way. "The Wireless Innovation Act promotes the deployment of wireless infrastructure on federally owned properties to increase wireless coverage and capacity, so Americans can access 21st century technologies and so the infrastructure is there to support the Internet of Things," said Rubio. Spectrum is a finite resource and airwaves are highly valued. A number of other proposals are seeking ways to reduce the federal government's use of spectrum, or find ways for the government to share its spectrum with wireless companies. It's not clear when the Senate or House might vote on the Wireless Innovation Act of 2015.
