FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler today circulated a new proposal for taming unwanted robocalls and text messages to mobile phones. According to the FCC, the proposal is a response to more than a dozen petitions seeking clarity on when robocalls and other phone-based outreach is permitted. The proposal seeks to let consumers revoke their consent to receive such calls/messages at any time; permit carriers to create do-not-disturb blocking services; ensure new owners of reassigned numbers don't receive calls/messages meant for the previous owner; define autodialers to prevent misuse of the laws; and allow very limited and specific exceptions for urgent circumstances, such as to prevent fraud. The proposal would keep in place existing protections such as the Do No Call registry, and limits on robocalls, informational calls, and text messages to wireless phones. Last, the FCC pledged to enforce the rules stringently. The proposal will be voted on at the Commission's Open Meeting on June 18.
