Nvidia said it plans to cease chasing the LTE mobile business by the middle of 2016. Nvidia purchased a company called Icera in 2011 with the intent of integrating its own application processors with Icera's LTE modems so it could better compete with Qualcomm. Since that time, Nvidia says it has "reshaped its strategy to focus on high-growth opportunities in gaming, automotive and cloud computing applications." Nvidia said the Icera business will continue to operate for the next year or so, but after that it will be shut down. Nvidia is open to a sale of its Icera division or the technologies contained therein. Icera employees about 500 people in the U.S., the U.K., and France. Competition in the mobile processor and modem space is fierce. Qualcomm has a distinct advantage thanks to its ability to pair powerful processors with leading-edge modems.
