Quote Originally Posted by mobilefreedom View Post
Face it, Sprint phones don't need to be flashed to Boost. Just esn swapped after an account is open with an active Boost cdma phone esn. A native Sprint esn will NOT WORK on first activation of a Boost account. Has to be Boost cdma esn FIRST.

Flashing is a waste of time with most Sprint phones . If you can get a esn for a Boost phone whether you actually have it or not is one way to get started. It requires more social engineering then technical engineering. But it makes it a LOT easier for noobs. Especially if they know which phones to stay away from at the beginning (because they tend to fail activation more then other phones: Palm Pre, HTC Hero etc). At least the legal version...without esn/meid rewriting...lol
This my interpretation of that:
so what you're saying is that they've got to already have a boost account, they then get a sprint phone. then boost store just activates that esn and like do their version of *228?
I know theres the other non legal version which isn't worth the risk.