Yup, done all that. Still no go.Well the fact that you can charge anything on a USB, the usb itself is sending power so its not burnt. Have you checked the device manager and checked what drivers you might be missing.
The usb usually fixes itself once you install the chipset of the process, Knowing Dell it has an Intel processor. Have you checked the setting on the BIOS, they may be turned off.
You could always stick your nose to the usb ports and see if they smell funny. Have you tried blowing out the laptop with a can of air? A few others have had keylogger issues but since you went the route of ubuntu that really shouldn't be an issue. Also some people have had issues with XP SP 2 and the USB flaking out the same way. I am willing to bet it has a build up of dust on some of the traces causing a short with the tx/rx leads for those USB ports. Or the trace is broken. Since you opted for the usb card though you will be up and going soon and have your own dedicated usb charger You could also tave a multimeter to the usb port and see if you get +5 on the power lead. There are just so many different reasons why something like that to happen. Especially if a re-install didn't bring it back to life it is a hardware failure not a driver issue.