Does anyone have info on how to unlock the filesystem on the Helio Drift so I can edit the cwCONFIGURATION.ini file? I tried using the default Samsung 16-digit code using CDMA Workshop. It says 'phone unlocked', but Bitpim or QPST wont allow a write of that file. Bitpim can't be used anyway, because the file is in the /mmda subdirectory and only QPST lets you set the default directory when reading the efs. Is there another EFS reading software I can use? Is there a specific 16-digit code for this model? I need to change the wap port, and that file is where it is stored. p.s. Samsung PST is no help, either. The Ocean I have had success with (it has a 16-digit code of it's own), but the Drift has been elusive for a LONG time now.)