The Bluetooth Special Interest Group today introduced Bluetooth 4.2, an updated specification that means to connect more devices and things to the internet. Bluetooth 4.2 supports IPv6 and 6LoWPAN, which allows Bluetooth Smart devices to connect directly to the internet through a router, rather than requiring an in-between device such as a tablet or smartphone. This means more small devices will be able to share their data. The Bluetooth SIG says 4.2 is secure enough to protect sensitive data, and it can prevent devices from being tracked. The spec is even more power efficient to reduce battery drain. Further, Bluetooth 4.2 improves data transfer between devices by boosting speeds by 2.5x and capacity by 10x. The initial release of the spec will arrive later this month. The Bluetooth SIG didn't say when it expects to ratify the spec, nor when it may reach consumer-grade devices.
