trust dont get the ebay ones i looked at them

from what i understand you want to do remote unlocking as well as on site unlocking

i just purchased a tool like that...i did days of research and its the cheapest price in US

support isnt the best but it isnt hard to 9700 code came in 4 seconds

the ones you see on ebay for like 70-80$ that calculate codes require you have to get the customer to plug up their phone and get the mep for you

the tool i have is part of the MX key dongle family. Its gonna run $700. But i think its worth it. I give codes away for free to promote membership and do bulk sales. It will apy for itself in a few weeks.

PM me if your interested and ill give you the link. Ships fast so youll have it in 2 days. I don't get paid commission just thought i would share.