Dish Networks has told the FCC it intends to "meaningfully participate" in the reverse auction for 600MHz airwaves scheduled for next year. "The incentive auction offers opportunities for competitive providers and new entrants to bid on and win much-needed lowband spectrum, which will facilitate the deployment of mobile broadband services," said Dish Senior Vice President Jeffrey Blum in the filing with the agency. The FCC is still in the process of finalizing rules for the incentive auction, but expects to have them in place by September. The process will involve television stations giving up their 600MHz spectrum holdings, which the FCC will then auction to companies such as Dish, AT&T, and T-Mobile. Dish has long wanted to become a wireless provider of sorts. Earlier this year Dish won at auction PCS spectrum that abuts some spectrum it already owns. Dish also took the opportunity to tell the FCC it should block the proposed merger between Comcast and Time Warner.
