T-Mobile today said its LTE network rollout continues to move forward at a steady clip. As of today, T-Mobile's LTE network covers 227 million POPs. It will reach 230 million POPs by the end of the month, 250 million by the end of the year, and T-Mobile will finalize its LTE build-out across its entire footprint moving into 2015. Further, T-Mobile has expanded the number of markets that offer VoLTE to 16, including major metro areas New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago. T-Mobile says VoLTE is available to more than 100 million of its customers with this rollout on a total of four devices. (The Samsung Galaxy S5 will be made VoLTE-capable with an over-the-air download expected this week.) VoLTE supports clear HD Voice, which T-Mobile has boosted to a codex of 24Kbps. Last, T-Mobile has expanded the reach of its wide-band LTE network, which uses 15+15MHz and 20+20MHz channels to improve capacity. T-Mobile claims its wide-band LTE is capable of delivering theoretical download speeds of 150Mbps.
