Despite Amazon's dominance in the market, Barnes & Noble hasn't given up on trying to offer book-loving consumers an alternative to the Kindle Fire and has turned to Samsung for help. But despite their quality they struggled to compete, forcing Barnes & Noble to think long and hard about what it was going to do with its Nook eReader, ebook and tablet business. But, rather than shut up shop, it's decided to turn to the world's leading Android tablet maker for help, and from August, a special Nook-branded version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7-inch tablet will be going on sale, complete with special Nook software and easy access to the full range of Barnes & Noble digital catalogue of books, magazines and newspapers. "We are very excited and proud to partner with Samsung, a world-class technology and tablet leader, to create customized co-branded devices featuring our valuable Nook reading experience and digital content catalog for Barnes & Noble customers nationwide," said Michael P. Huseby, Chief Executive Officer of Barnes & Noble, Inc of the partnership.
