Google has posted its latest Android distribution numbers on its developers site, revealing huge growth for Android 4.4 KitKat, compared to previous months. Even so, KitKat adoption is still lagging behind older operating systems, an ecosystem “feature” Apple highlighted during the WWDC 2014 opening keynote. Data collected during a 7-day period ending on June 4 revealed that KitKat is now on 13.6% of Android devices, up from 8.5% in early May. That percentage is still smaller than Gingerbread’s, which is at 14.9% (down from 16.2% in the previous period), and just 1.3% more than Ice Cream Sandwich, currently at 12.3% (down from 13.4% the previous month). Jelly Bean is still the king of the Android ecosystem, with a combined 58.4%
