By Scott Malone BOSTON (Reuters) - U.S. officials on Friday charged a Kyrgyzstan national who bought dinner for the accused Boston Marathon bombers the night of the attack with interfering with the investigation into the deadly bombing. Khairullozhon Matanov, a 23-year-old taxi driver who lives in Quincy, Massachusetts, faces one criminal count of destroying records and three counts of lying to officials in a terrorism investigation, according to court papers filed in U.S. District Court in Boston. Prosecutors said Matanov had been friends with accused bombers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, spoke with both in the days after the blast but lied to police about the extent of his relationship with the pair. Matanov, who had hiked a New Hampshire mountain with Tamerlan Tsarnaev to "train like, and praise, the 'mujahideen,'" according to court papers, deleted searches related to the attacks from his computer, tried to dispose of cell phones he had used to contact the brothers, and denied knowing much about the pair in interviews with police.
