Using your phone for 15 hours a month over five years doesn’t sound like much, but that’s the amount of time scientists say can increase your risk of developing certain types of brain cancers.-Despite previous studies that have debunked the connection between cellphones and cancer,-Agence France-Presse-reports that cell phone uses are exposing themselves to a greater risk of developing glioma and meningioma tumors, compared to people who don’t use their phone as much. The study is one in a long line of reports on possible links between cancer and cell phone use, and one that will not settle question-decisively. -In 2011, a study for the Institute of Cancer Research found “no convincing evidence of a link” between cellphone use and brain tumors, but did say that long-term health damage was still a possibility. Another-study by the World Health Organization's-International Agency for Research on Cancer-said that-cell phone-emitting radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” and said they increased the risk of glioma.-A 2011 National Institutes of Health study discovered that cell phone use could change brain activity, which could be-sped up after less than an hour of cellphone use, but long-term health risks and detrimental side-effects couldn’t be determined.
