BlackBerry phones still offer the best security of any other smartphones around but what if you want something that, much like Spinal Tap’s famous amplifiers, pushes your security up from a 10 to an 11? If you’re in the market for a BlackBerry that’s more-secure-than-secure then-German company-Secusmart GmbH has something for you, provided you have the cash.- Secusmart GmbH is the company that provided German chancellor Angela Merkel with a beefed-up BlackBerry Z10 after revelations broke that the National Security Agency was eavesdropping on her phone conversations. Bloomberg reports that-Secusmart GmbH is now selling its heavily encrypted BlackBerry phones to anyone who wants one, not just government officials. The phones will carry a hefty price tag of-€2,000 (USD$2,700) but-Secusmart GmbH
