Code's for M800

47*869#1235 - Test Mode (be careful)
##8626337# (##VOCODER#) - Edit Vocoder
##3282# (##DATA#) - Data Programming
##872# (##USB#) - Toggle between MDM/MSC(Modem/Storage Card)
##2539# (##AKEY#) - Manually Program Akey
##33284# (##DEBUG#) - Enter debug mode
##2739# (##BREW#) - Enter brew shortcut menu
##MSL# (enter actual MSL) - Device Programming(MDN/MSID)
##786# (##RTN#) - Device info/Phone Reset
##825# (##TCK#) - Technology Compatibility Kit(who knows what this menu does...)
##9473# (##WIRE#) - Toggles Wired Mode on/off(turned on disables touch screen reaction and requires a reboot to fix)
##6621# not sure what it does.. doesnt take u to any menu.. but def is something
##66336263257# again.. not sure what this does. takes you to a new menu that says continue/cancel. hitting continue seems to do nothing?
##66336263778# DO NOT USE - Bricks phone. well use it if you want your phone to go into self-destruct mode.. Ex: FBI catches you etc... )
##66236# (##OMADM#) - OMA DM Settings
##4327# (##HEAR#?)- not sure what this does yet.. a number pops up dight above the dialer when u enter it. it goes away when you re-enter the code.
##6343# (##MEID#) - Displays current MEID
##86824# (##TOUCH#) - after entering this.. exit the dialer and touch a part of the screen.. numbers pop up. i guess it shows the exact point you are touching. not sure what use this has... maybe for developers?
*#03# - Some kinda information box pops up displaying a 'unique number' ? dunno what this does
##36245257# (##EMAIL***#) - dont know what this does. takes you to a confim yes/no screen. i hit yes... i didnt notice what changed. im sure it toggles something.. somewhere...
##36245778# (##EMAIL***#) - again.. i dunno. took me to a confirm /yes no screen.. i hit yes.. the phone reset. seems safe tho.
##687# (##MTP#) - takes me to a new debug menu that lets you toggle MTP mode on/off. dunno what that is
##63342# (##MEDIA#) - Media Streaming settings
##672# (##MSC#) - enable MSC mode
##5282564# (##JAVALOG#) - Toggle Java log on/off. dunno what that does tho to be honest.
##24749# (##CIQHW#) - "CIQ HW test enabled" no clue what this is?
##*# - brings up some kind of touch interfect that maps out where youve touched the screen
*#3282*727336*# (*#DATA*SCREEN*#) - Brings up a data screen which pretty much shows your phones stats. shows how many contact spots you have left, shows total outgoing texts and does confirm thelimit is 50. inbox limit is 190. kinda neat
##25278378# - not sure what this does.. doesnt seem to even work.. but if you watch carefully the screen freezes for a second telling you it DID SOMETHING. someone find out what
##726386824# - i like to call this one Ghost mode. try it out
##86257# - phone beeps after entering this. no clue what it did