have you tried cdma workshop?
i have problem in sanyo 3100 show's in display service required call blah blah blah.. and the esn is zero is there any why i can rewrite the esn? and remove the display?
^_^eXPeCT THe uNeXPeCTeD!^_^
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have you tried cdma workshop?
yes but failed.. i can't use bitpim to see efs. i think the efs got erase..i tired using qpst to backup good phone but no luck to restore in bad one.. still need suggestion.. thanksz
^_^eXPeCT THe uNeXPeCTeD!^_^
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you cannot write the ESN in Uni_CDMA after switching phone into DM mode and Offline-D and sending the SPC? Usually if it is set to 0s, you can write to whatever.