The Federal Communications Commission today voted 3-2 in favor of lifting the ban that prevents airplane passengers from making cellular voice calls while in flight. The FCC has purview over the techincal limitations, and has decided that today's technologies permit safe, in-flight cellular calls on properly equipped planes. However, the Department of Transportation today said that it is considering a ban on making phone calls from airplanes. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said the DoT has heard from various groups, including airlines, flight attendants, and passengers, "who are all troubled over the idea of passengers talking on cell phones in flight—and I am concerned about this possibility as well." The DoT is weighing whether or not to ban the practice of making cellular phone calls from planes, despite the techincal clearance granted by the FAA and FCC. "Being able to logon to text and email is useful for passengers, but it's just unnecessary to have potentially dozens of phone conversations occurring during a flight," said Rep. Bill Shuster, a Pennsylvania Republican. "When it comes to mobile devices on planes, tap, don't talk."
