Sprint today followed in T-Mobile's footsteps by announcing that it will not bid in the upcoming auction for H Block spectrum. The Federal Communications Commission plans to begin auctioning off a 10MHz slice of 1900MHz PCS spectrum in January. Sprint was tagged as a potential bidder due to the proximity of the H Block spectrum to its own 1900MHz holdings. "Sprint is focused on gaining access to more low-band spectrum to add to the company's spectrum portfolio, so we have opted not to participate in the upcoming H Block auction," the company said in a statement. "With the launch of Sprint Spark, Sprint is working to deploy its 2.5GHz licenses along with licenses in 800MHz and 1900MHz to provide customers greater network speeds and capacity. We expect to offer Sprint Spark in approximately 100 of the largest U.S. cities by the end of 2016." Sprint may be eyeballing the 600MHz-band spectrum that the FCC is hoping to wrest away from broadcast television providers through a separate incentive auction. Cell signals propagate better and farther in lower spectrum bands.
