Tom Wheeler has been installed as the new Federal Communications Commission Chairman, replacing Mignon Clyburn, who had acted as Chair on a temporary basis after the post was vacated by Julius Genachowski in May. Wheeler's first order of business was to name his staff. Some of the appointments include Ruth Milkman, Chief of Staff; Philip Verveer, Senior Counselor to the Chairman; Gigi B. Sohn, Special Counsel for External Affairs; and about 10 others. "This team will hit the ground running," said Wheeler. "With critical work to be accomplished for the American people and the Internet becoming ever more important in the lives of consumers and businesses across the nation, this team provides an excellent mix of governmental, private-sector and public-interest expertise. They will join the many talented and dedicated professionals of the FCC, as we work to continue serving the public interest during an era of great technological change." The FCC has several important spectrum auctions on deck, slated to kick off next year, as it continues to help manage the explosion of demand for mobile data.
