SAP does not have any gaps in its mobile business services, said CFO Werner Brandt, and the company is unlikely to make any sort of play for BlackBerry. "Blackberry doesn't fit with our strategy," said Brandt in an interview with Euro am Sonntag magazine. SAP, based in Germany, offers software and services to businesses. BlackBerry has been shopping its business around to potential suitors while exploring strategic alternatives. It has an offer on the table from Fairfax Financial holdings, and several others have signed non-disclosure agreements with the company in order to assess the company's financial standing. Reuters reports that Google, Intel, and Cisco are still mulling whether or not to take a stab at acquiring all or portions of the ailing smartphone maker. The offer from Fairfax has a November 4 expiration date, meaning if no other significant offers are made before then, it can move forward with its acquisition plans.
