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  1. #1
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    Default Verizon mvnos with byod policies besides Page Plus

    Verizon is unique as a cdma carrier in that it allows its resellers/mvnos to have a large degree of byod with original Verizon phones. In general it works like this.

    Any clean esn/postpaid Verizon phone can be used on most Verizon mvnos with at least talk/text. Often mms. Smartphones often work out of the box with everything working, especially Palm OS/Winmo devices. Blackberries, ymmv.

    A higher degree of byod on Verizon mvnos is that some allow other Verizon mvno phones on their system too. Like Ampd and Straight Talk handsets can be used on PPC and Ampd is generally accepted among most other byod Verizon mvnos (except E816).

    Another degree is that Alltel handsets can be activated. Usually with talk/text only.

    Carriers that accept all Verizon clean esn handsets as of today are :
    Air Voice Express. H20 Cdma. Mingo Wireless. Black Dog Wireless (non unlimited plans).
    Lucky Wireless.

    Carriers that accept Alltels. Black Dog Wireless. Air Voice Express (claims to).

    Carriers that accept Ampd/possibly other mvnos. All.

    This is of interest as Page Plus has been implementing increasingly restrictive policies on allowed handsets. In January, they banned all Verizon new prepaid phones (except via calling CS directly). And on Feb. 5 they banned Blackberries and Treos officially but virtually all Palms and some non meid HTC devices got caught up in it too.

  2. #2
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    Looks like all the other NON PPC mvnos mentioned above: Mingo, Air Voice Express, etc are ALL affected by the Verizon prepaid phone ban. It also includes Alltel prepaids too. This is going to cripple both H20 and Air Voice cdma as they have NO phones of their own relying SOLELY on byod.
    Without an attractive unlimited plan , data or lowered per minute rates like PPC, these poor guys have no way to really compete unless they step it up. Considering their gsm divisions (Both H20 and Aiir Voice have both Gsm/Att and cdma/Verizon variants of their brands) are all running an Att/gsm unlimited plan, a Page plus like unlimited plan on their cdma sides soon isn't likely anytime soon.

    The problem is that we have no idea what degree the prepaid phones have been affected too. Does old stock prepaid that got reincarnated as refurbs fall under that? This is to me a fourth and fifth byod threat from Verizon /Page Plus . This time it encompasses all Verizon mvnos.

    Really PPC is the only Verizon mvno with both byod and unlimited. Not a choice at all really.

    I read one user on another forum angrily go, "why wait six months (now permanent), just flash them to Cricket."

    I'd like to paraphrase the term "If you make peaceful revolution impossible , you make violent revolution inevitable."

    If you make legal byod impossible... fill in the rest...

  3. #3
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    Siri Wireless is a new mvno running via mvne Telspace. They have no real outstanding plans except full postpaid roaming coverage included and a $24.99 /250 minute/3000 nights and weekend minute talk plan. They have Blackberry, Android, iphone and Winmo support options at a pricy 25-30 bucks a month . Supposedly can be used for any carrier including their own.What kills me about them is their stupid $35 activation fee. I think Telspace is charging them up the ass. Supposedly they have a user base of 100k including a Sprint and Att gsm mvno plan . The Sprint plans are unlimited of course and the Att one is paygo.

    Air Voice Express is going to no longer be a Verizon mvno by year's end according to numerous posts on Hofo. They haven't updated their rates in four years but they still hold their own.

    Mingo Wireless is going to become a Sprint mvno also. Supposedly had trouble with mvne Telspace and Verizon not allowing them latitude on their plans.

    I hate Sprint mvnos because of the lack of byod. That and the lack of roaming coverage makes Sprint mvnos suck as a class for prepaid carriers.

    I think Siri Wireless would do a lot better if they lowered their Verizon based plan, phone and activation prices. $35 activation is ridiculous. Especially if they are charging dealers to do it. Stupid.

  4. #4
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    Default Four Verizon mvnos with byod go R.I.P. Prepaid Vz mvno masscre.

    Update: Four Verizon mvnos with byod went under in the course of one month.
    Mingo Verizon transitioned to a Sprint platform and turned over their remaining Verizon users over to BMA Communications, a company running Lucky Wireless (another Vz mvno). Mingo Verizon became MyPayGo.

    BMA decided to pull the plug on both MyPayGo and Lucky Wireless in September by not communicating with MywayWireless, a small company providing CS and tech support for both Lucky and MyPayGo.

    Mywaywireless decided to end their relationship with BMA and Lucky wireless /Mypaygo customers ended up having to port out in an emergency move.

    Air Voice Express/Cdma had announced their demise for December but they accelerated it to October.

    So, three or four mvnos (depending on how you look at it) went down in one month or so. All with byod.

    Mingo had excellent customer service. (Mingo Sprint is their direct successor).
    Lucky had postpaid coverage and decent priced monthly plans.
    Mypaygo was going to launch an unlimited talk plan.
    Air Voice had good talk/text paygo rates.

    With them gone , the short list of byod for Verizon prepaid options are:
    1)Page Plus
    2)H20 cdma.
    3)Verizon prepaid.

  5. #5
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    Default Can I get free data on Verizon air voice?

    I paid for a 40 dollar a month on my PCS contract and hacked it to get free web. they didnt provide web because i brought my own device. but i found a way to hack in, change the settings and now I'm online. can i do that with verizon air voice? im using a blackberry storm 1

    Quote Originally Posted by identified800 View Post
    Verizon is unique as a cdma carrier in that it allows its resellers/mvnos to have a large degree of byod with original Verizon phones. In general it works like this.

    Any clean esn/postpaid Verizon phone can be used on most Verizon mvnos with at least talk/text. Often mms. Smartphones often work out of the box with everything working, especially Palm OS/Winmo devices. Blackberries, ymmv.

    A higher degree of byod on Verizon mvnos is that some allow other Verizon mvno phones on their system too. Like Ampd and Straight Talk handsets can be used on PPC and Ampd is generally accepted among most other byod Verizon mvnos (except E816).

    Another degree is that Alltel handsets can be activated. Usually with talk/text only.

    Carriers that accept all Verizon clean esn handsets as of today are :
    Air Voice Express. H20 Cdma. Mingo Wireless. Black Dog Wireless (non unlimited plans).
    Lucky Wireless.

    Carriers that accept Alltels. Black Dog Wireless. Air Voice Express (claims to).

    Carriers that accept Ampd/possibly other mvnos. All.

    This is of interest as Page Plus has been implementing increasingly restrictive policies on allowed handsets. In January, they banned all Verizon new prepaid phones (except via calling CS directly). And on Feb. 5 they banned Blackberries and Treos officially but virtually all Palms and some non meid HTC devices got caught up in it too.

  6. #6
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    Air Voice Cdma is dead. It only had talk/text anyway. Look at the later posts, they will indicate that Mingo Verizon, Air Voice cdma, Myway Wireless, and Lucky wireless all died in the last few months.

    There are only three serious byod Verizon based prepaid carriers:
    Verizon Prepaid itself.
    Page Plus.
    H20 Cdma.

    Neither Page Plus or H20 have unlimited data. H20 only has mms. Paygo mms.

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