Before i can actually say that my attempt of this full flash was successful i need some confirmation first(this is my first FULL flash attempt). can someone explain why it is that the bootup animation is still the same and the there are still buttons for vz navigator, v cast videos, and the loading screen for the browser is the verizon wireless image?

interesting side note: the phone is not activated yet, but i appear to have full web access. that appears very odd to me, and dumb of cricket lol. can anyone explain why that is the case?
Sound like a full flash.
The Verizon crap, well that is almost impossible to remove. It's part of the firmware.
For the WAP working, well I'll just say that cricket for you. With out violating rules discussing "theft of services" which it is because you only pay for it to work on one device. That's just how it is.