The following commands are for QXDM 2.08.05. These commands differ for newer versions.

Be sure to enter commands exactly as they are displayed below, unless indicated otherwise. Entering any of these commands incorrectly could do irreparable damage to the device you are flashing.

Send SPC:

spc "XXXXXX" (replace XXXXXX with actual SPC; the quotations are required)

Write SPC:

nv_write sec_code {"000000"}

Read NAM Lock:

nv_read nam_lock 0
nv_read nam_lock 1

Disable NAM Lock:

nv_write nam_lock 0 0
nv_write nam_lock 1 0

Change BBRegID to 2004:

nv_write_item 11055 0xD4 0x07
nv_write_item 11089 0x01 0xD4 0x07

Write PRL to phone:

pr_list_wr 0 "C:\location of prl"
pr_list_wr 1 "C:\location of prl"

Be sure the enter the location of the PRL accurately to prevent errors. I've discovered it is easiest to copy your desired PRL to the C:\ drive, i.e.

pr_list_wr 0 "C:\Cricket 01050"
pr_list_wr 1 "C:\Cricket 01050"

Save Changes:

mode reset