So I have everything working except MMS. I have everything already done in PST. I am just trying to find out how to access the hidden menu for the MMS. I found the one for the browser, but can't find the one for MMS.
For anyone who doesn't know how to access the hidden menu for completing the browser setup here are the directions
First enable hidden menu:
Slide the phone open and go to Menu. Select Settings and Tools. Scroll down to the bottom of the menu and Select "Phone Info" or press Fn *. Press Fn and #. A "User Lock" screen will appear.

Enter all six zeros: 000000

This accesses the hidden System Info menu. Press 2 (Port Map) or click on it. Press Fn button and press *.

Another "User Lock" screen will appear.

Enter 0103219211

This accesses Param Editor menu. Press or click on 1 (Hidden Menus). You will see two options to either Enable or Disable the Hidden Menus. Select Enable. After doing so the screen will revert back to the Param Editor Menu. Completely exit out of the menu system by pressing the End key.
Then to change browser:
Keep your phone slid open, click on Menu, then choose Media Center.

Press Fn and press #.

The "Enter Phone Lock Code" screen will appear.

Enter the last 4 digits of your phone #. If that doesn't work try your last four of your MIN. MIN can be found under Menu / Settings and Tools / Phone Info / My number - Mobile Identification Number.

Now we are in the Browser Settings menu. The settings should be the following and change only the settings below:
Keep your phone slid open, click on Menu, then choose Media Center.

Press Fn and press #.

The "Enter Phone Lock Code" screen will appear.

Enter the last 4 digits of your phone #. If that doesn't work try your last four of your MIN. MIN can be found under Menu / Settings and Tools / Phone Info / My number - Mobile Identification Number.

Now we are in the Browser Settings menu. The settings should be the following and change only the settings below:

primary and secondary dns settings:
http username: your ph #
password: cricket
proxy port: 8080
home url: for some reason the cricket page won't work so I put [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
ua profile: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

And you should be all set! I have EVDO and it works great youtube works and everything. I haven't gotten MMS yet. Will post a full guide when it's complete. i think this is a GREAT phone for cricket!!!!
(am not personally responsible for figuring this out just thought it would help)