Actually 6503 and 4815 are just the two they are now starting to use as defaults since they have the computerized OTA programming via *228.
These are all standard SIDs for MetroPCS:
5037 - San Francisco Bay Area
5007 - Central and Northern California
4815 - Georgia (I believe)
4273- ?
5109 - ?
6503 - ? default now
A common trick here in the California market if your home SID is either 5037 or 5007 is to use the other one for SID 2 so even if your PRL has issue while traveling here in their coverage area, no hasles and wasted battery life bouncing around the listed ones in the PRL and its chosen order.
On my personal phones I generally put all the above 6 SIDs in SID 1 -6.
Anoter trck that will reaically improve your service's audio uality is to chnge from the default EVRC to Voice 13K . Eats up more band width, but you will never again sound like Donald Duck. I also change te Slot Cycle Index from their default of 2 (2.56 sec interval) to 1 (1.28 second interval) and I find my audio in and out doubles in quality and drop outs are less as wellas fewer dropped or mssed calls i fringe areas of their coverage. The trade off s about 5-7 percen loss of battery life with my worst cse ever being 10% loss Great trade off f for me and everyone loves hw GOOD my phones sound. This is all I really do to chieve that.