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Thread: Monster Flashes

  1. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by dilworks View Post
    Can anyone reupload this, please?


    It seems to have vanished from the Internet, since the few links that existed are now dead.
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    AMP_E816_2.5.0R_PRIkk52234_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_01.rar :
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  2. #50
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    Interesting discovery:

    Among the crapload of Latam monster flashes, you may have seen a couple of "Combo" flashes. After some careful analysis, i've discovered that "Combo" is the term for Latin American UPGRADE FLASHES.

    If you take [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], and dissasemble one of these, you may only find...

    - phone.s [main firmware]
    - flex_file.s [list of seems to update]
    - Possibly a new bootloader
    - A bunch of extra files, like icons (VIVO love these - one V323 combo has like more than 200 MMA icons! :P)
    - On old phones (like the C364), you may find a new EFS image, instead of an updated main firmware

    (On a standard MONSTER you will find phone.s + efs.bin [full EFS image] + qcom_mini_bootloader.bin [IPL?] + cdma2000_bootloader.bin [full bootloader], and sometimes an ua.bin [FOTA upgrades helper] - on old models you will find 3 codegroups instead, because the old format didn't crammed everything in CG02)

    So my theory was wrong: CUSTOMER UPGRADES DO EXIST on LA, but they call them "Combo flashes", and they're rarely used, if at all. So far, i know the following files:

    C364_Latam_20060329_ver424019_Movistar_Vzla_Combo. shx

    ..and most likely these couple are the same deal (if you ever find them...):

    CROSSFLASHERS BEWARE - these are NOT FULL MONSTERS! Deal with these as you would deal with a old-fashioned CUSTOMER_UPGRADE flash: pick a suitable base monster, then "combotize" your phone. (This also explains why there was that weird Movistar C364 flash that was just 770KB )

  3. #51
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    Default Big Canadian Flash Archive

    Continuing with the small archive presented by _JiGaBu_, here is a more complete list of Canadian flashes, pretty much everything sourced from MSU. You will find a bunch of duplicates (so don't fret! Mirrors are always good), some crossflashing classics, and some new and exclusive crap that haven't ever been seen anywhere else. Pretty much everything here are upgrade flashes, because Canadian monsters are damn impossible to find (except for the Bell K1m monster), so -BRICK ALERT!- either have a proper Canadian phone to flash, or do your homework if you're a crossflasher in a Java quest. Caveat Flashador.

    (Don't worry, i've included some useful stuff for crossflashers, but for more details look at [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] - couple of golden mines of knowledge)

    I've skipped Q and friends - you may find these firmwares at Shipped-ROMs and in earlier posts (Telus got the Q and Q9c, while Bell only carried the Q). This archive will only cover dumbphones for now, although i could add some Q goodies if i find some cool stuff later...

    Let's sing "O, Canada", and start with this:


    * A840:
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    Sorry, this flash is absolutely unknown! If you're one of the 3 users that still use an A840, you're on your own, and i won't be in your phone memorial if you brick yours :P

    * V3c:
    TLS_V3c_06.04.00R_PRIhh70382_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_01.s hx
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    V3c_UpdatePt1_GATW_06.04.00R_to_GATW_06.08.00R_PRI _upgrade.shx
    [HIDE-THANKS][Only registered and activated users can see links. ][/HIDE-THANKS]
    (this MUST be used only to update from 06.04.00R! Crossflashers should avoid this)

    Filesystem for crossflashers: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Best suitable base flash: Anything BUT VZW. Use DST or LAN generics for a clean setup.
    (If your phone enters a infinite reboot cycle after the Telus flash, it's because you're using other language than English - after reflashing back to your base FW, switch your phone to English before flashing to Telus, or use Radiocomm to set Seem 275e/275f Offset 0144 to 01)

    * K1m:
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.13.00R_PRImm78112_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_04.shx
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    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.13.00R_PRImm14153_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_01.shx +
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.13.00R_PRImm78112_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_05.hs +
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.14.00R_PRIoo07648_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_01.shx +
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.14.00R_PRIoo07648_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_02.hs
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    Telus K1m updates are tricky: here is the proper way of how to apply this crazy flash/flex coctakil to an actual Telus K1m:

    - If your phone is running 2401_03.13.00 with flex XS4TLS01K1M2NA0A.0R_PRImm14153:
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.13.00R_PRImm78112_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_04.shx
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.14.00R_PRIoo07648_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_01.shx
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.14.00R_PRIoo07648_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_02.hs

    - For all other versions:
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.13.00R_PRImm14153_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_01.shx
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.13.00R_PRImm78112_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_05.hs
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.14.00R_PRIoo07648_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_01.shx
    K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.14.00R_PRIoo07648_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_02.hs

    Keep in mind that 03.14.00R SUCKS since it kills the music player ability to play non-DRM'd music, so AVOID IT!

    Filesystem for crossflashers: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Best suitable base flash: DST or Alltel. Latam firmwares come with a different skin set, so you will may have problems with that when loading the Java files - in that case, use the V3c JBED skins, and hack'em as needed This flash will also work with the L7c - remember: K1m and L7c firmwares are interchangeable without problems. And STICK TO K1m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_K1M_03.13.00R_PRImm14153_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_01.shx!!!!

    * V9m:
    V9m_Telus_Upgrade_TLS_V9m_02.04.00R_PRIpp16734_CUS TOMER_UPGRADE_02.shx
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    Filesystem for crossflashers: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Best suitable base flash: USC or Alltel. DST or Latam firmwares may create unstable base firmwares (not 100% sure, i don't have a V9m... yet!). This flash is known to be buggy, so don't complain!

    Bell and friends

    Bell has a bunch of affiliates that roam on their airwaves:
    - Bell Mobility (main, "vanilla" Bell)
    - Alliance
    - MTS
    - SaskTel
    - Solo Mobile
    - and some others that we won't cover here since we have no files for these.
    If you can't find a suitable update for your affiliate, use the "vanilla" Bell flash, it should work without problems - code-wise, the're the same deal. If a Bell model gets an update, all of their standard affiliates most likely will get it later.

    Crossflashers beware: Bell flashes are USELESS for EvDO (just like Sprint - you may get the Ev icon, but it's just a lie), and will cause pains with 1X data, due to their dumbass way of data authentication (hardcoded [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] user and random password, among other things that only kbman and the old-skool flashers can explain better), so if there is a Telus flash for your desired model, BY ALL MEANS, USE IT!

    * A840:
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    Again, same warning as the Telus A840 upgrade: I have no info about this one, so don't risk your ancient-as-in-stone worldphone just for some Java fix.

    * E815:
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    Support files for crossflashers: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] (Filesystem), [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] (MMS fixes)
    Best suitable base flash: Amp'd E816, PERIOD (both 1.4.0 and 2.5.0 can be used). All other firmwares will cause bootloaders or BRICKS. Late E815 batches cannot use this upgrade, as these came with a new main LCD display, unsupported on the older firmwares (phone will boot and work normally, but main LCD will stay blank)

    * V3c:
    V3c_Bell_Upgrade_BLM_V3c_07.08.00R_PRIkk95757_CUST OMER_UPGRADE.shx
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    V3c_Alliance_Upgrade_BWA_V3c_07.08.00R_XS4BLM01GAT W1NA07.1P_PRIkk78043_UPGRADE_01.shx
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    V3c_Solo_Upgrade_SLO_V3c_07.08.00R_PRIkk78034_UPGR ADE_01.shx
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    Filesystem for crossflashers: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Best suitable base flash: A hammer. Seriously, avoid like the plague.

    * K1m:
    K1m_Bell_Monster_BLM_FRNK2402_X_01.16.00R_PRIll871 18_MONSTER_01.shx
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    (Yes, that's the only Canadian -non-smartphone- monster that you will find in the entire Internet for free...)

    K1m_Bell_Upgrade_BLM_FRNK2402_X_01.16.00R_PRIll871 18_UPGRADE.shx
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    Filesystem for crossflashers: Use the monster and dump it yourself.
    Best suitable base for crossflashing: USE THE MONSTER, or even better, avoid it and go with DST+Telus.

    * V9m:
    V9m_Bell_Update_BLM_V9m_02.0B.00R_PRIoo16400_CUSTO MER_UPGRADE_02.shx
    [HIDE-THANKS][Only registered and activated users can see links. ][/HIDE-THANKS]

    V9m_Bell_Upgrade-pt1_BLM_V9m_03.07.03P_PRIpp69235_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_ 01.shx +
    V9m_Bell_Upgrade-pt1_BLM_V9m_03.07.03P_PRIpp69235_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_ 01A.shx +
    V9m_Bell_Upgrade-pt2_BLM_V9m_03.07.03P_PRIpp69235_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_ 02.hs
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    (There are two .SHX flashes: the _01.shx comes with a new bootloader, while the _01A.shx does not. Be careful with that!)

    Crossflashers: Use Telus. Don't waste your time with this.

    * Z6m:
    Z6m_Bell_Update_BLM_Z6m_01.18.00R_PRInn50484_UPGRA DE_02.shx
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    [HIDE-THANKS][Only registered and activated users can see links. ][/HIDE-THANKS]
    (WARNING: only for upgrade from 1.17 to 1.1A!)

    [HIDE-THANKS][Only registered and activated users can see links. ][/HIDE-THANKS]
    (WARNING: only for upgrade from 1.18 to 1.1A!)

    Z6m_Bell_Upgrade-pt1_BLM_Z6m_03.07.03P_PRIpp66704_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_ 01.shx +
    Z6m_Bell_Upgrade-pt2_BLM_Z6m_03.07.03P_PRIpp66704_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_ 02.hs
    [HIDE-THANKS][Only registered and activated users can see links. ][/HIDE-THANKS]

    Z6m_Aliant_Upgrade_ALN_Z6m_01.1A.00R_PRIoo36232_UP GRADE_02.shx
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    Z6m_Aliant_Upgrade-pt1_ALN_Z6m_03.07.03P_PRIqq02403_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_ 03.shx +
    Z6m_Aliant_Upgrade-pt2_ALN_Z6m_03.07.03P_PRIqq02403_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_ 02.hs
    [HIDE-THANKS][Only registered and activated users can see links. ][/HIDE-THANKS]

    Z6m_MTS_Upgrade_MTS_Z6m_01.1B.00R_PRIoo36234_UPGRA DE_03.shx
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    Z6m_MTS_Upgrade_pt1_MTS_Z6m_03.07.03P_PRIqq02409_C USTOMER_UPGRADE_03.shx +
    Z6m_MTS_Upgrade_pt2_MTS_Z6m_03.07.03P_PRIqq02409_C USTOMER_UPGRADE_02.hs
    [HIDE-THANKS][Only registered and activated users can see links. ][/HIDE-THANKS]

    Z6m_SaskTel_Upgrade_STS_Z6m_01.1B.00R_PRIoo36237_U PGRADE_03.shx
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    Z6m_SaskTel_Upgrade-pt1_STS_Z6m_03.07.03P_PRIqq02412_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_ 01.shx
    Z6m_SaskTel_Upgrade-pt2_STS_Z6m_03.07.03P_PRIqq02412_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_ 02.hs
    [HIDE-THANKS][Only registered and activated users can see links. ][/HIDE-THANKS]

    Crossflashers: The Z6m (and his evil brother, the Z6tv) is the least fortunate phone for Java crossflashing. If you use any of these Bell Z6m flashes, it will work, but you will lose EvDO and face the same data service problems present on every single Bell flash. But you may use the Telus V9m flash on these... it will work too - just like K1m/L7c, but with a lot of issues, bugs and problems. Do your homework and read on HoFo for more details on this phone.

    A few notes about the V9m/Z6m BLM 03.07.03 branch:
    - It may DELETE your Java apps (these updates remove the JBED' selector.utf file, i'm not sure on which problems could carry this, but the most obvious effect should be getting your apps deleted). Backup your JBED directory before upgrading!
    - It will place some upgraded and demo Java apps (EA/Gameloft game trials and a new music shop) - this is irrespective of which affiliate are you using, since all updates share the same crap.
    - Z6m: I don't know if you need to have an specific base firmware to apply these, so you may need to be running 01.1A/01.1B before upgrading to 03.07.

    Good luck, and Viva la France, er, Canada!
    Greetings for all the pioneers on the old Moto Java crossflashing ages, which didn't wanted money or fame, just free games on a BREW-infested Evilzon world
    Last edited by dilworks; 10-28-2010 at 10:00 PM.

  4. #52
    Join Date
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    I need any files for motorola renegade V950 (Sprint flash files, upgrade)
    Help me please...

  5. #53
    Mobile Files Advisor

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    Arrow SPR V950 Customer Upgrade

    Quote Originally Posted by boddkhi View Post
    I need any files for motorola renegade V950 (Sprint flash files, upgrade)
    Help me please...
    SPR_V950_00.66.00R_PRIss28110_CUSTOMER_UPGRADE_01. rar:
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  6. #54
    Join Date
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    Many thanks for the help!
    But customer upgrade not solved the problem (Motorola v950).
    In my opinion, damaged EFS of my telephone.
    After the upgrade, it shall be, but certain features are not available (Contact).
    I'm not from USA and do not have access to a service center.
    I would appreciate a full firmware (water2_00.59.01P) for full flashing my telephone.
    Thank in advance
    P.S. I'm still learning English, sorry

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