I'm tring to flash my r800 from us cellular to cricket. do you happen to know where i can find the dll for us cellular r800 delve. I've checked any and everywhere. im so stuck.
do you have sprint flash file for this?
^_^eXPeCT THe uNeXPeCTeD!^_^
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i did in M800 but need flash for r800 fully sprint wake up banner.. i know this one comes with alltel but need like custom file sprint thoi if ever have it or someone can do it for me we can talk about the prize just pm me..thankxz
^_^eXPeCT THe uNeXPeCTeD!^_^
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Does the M800 bin work on the R800?... I've never tried.
If U don't have NEthing useful 2 post, don't post NEthing @ all